Faithful followers, I am back, I'm feeling better and ready to blog like crazy again! To kick it off I decided to share with you the Little Miss Project sponsored by Sugarland but started by a fan. You can read about
it here. I also put a video of Sugarland's newest hit "Little Miss" on the side for your listening pleasure. I am many of the Little Miss' described in their song. Just to name a few: Little Miss I give Up, I'll get Tough don't you worry 'bout me anymore, one big mess, I'll take less when I always knew so much more, do your best, hide your scars, and do your part. These are the ones that strike closest to home. Gotta say that the refrain is a "keep on, keeping on" for me. I often tell myself that "Its alright, its okay, I'm okay", those words are often in my monologue to myself. Ms. Nettles ends the song with " You are Loved", yes I know, that is why "Its alright, it's okay, and I'm okay". To all my "little miss'" out there, I love you too.