Monday, October 18, 2010

Timing is everything.

Yes my friends and faithful followers, timing IS everything.  It can be the perfect or the worst time to do or say something. You always know exactly how you hit it! Today I hit the timing button wrong with my husband and my instructor hit the button perfect for me. My hubby and I just were not on the same page, both of us lost in that timing schedule. Where we went wrong was simple, he had the kids all day and needed some cave time.  Here I come asking questions he didn't feel like answering. He got snippy and I (being the newest nicotine free person in the family), took that wrong. Good news is that we can forgive and move on.  So after the wrong timing with him I went to Kyuki Do class and my instructor pushed us fast in class, got me moving  and working out my frustration.  It was key that he did that.  I was in no mood to listen to anyone.  Especially men.  You see I'm a bit of a chauvinist myself, once my hubby upsets me, I cant stand to be around the male species. ( Except my sons, they don't count.  They are boys.) So all I had to do was follow class and start to mellow out.  At the end of class my instructor starts in on our new weekly tenant, by this time I'm in a good mood and willing to listen.

Indomitable Spirit. (I love just the sound of that!)
This is how Yorkshire Academy of Korean Martial Arts explains it.  It is beautifully written.
In martial arts indomitable spirit is generally considered to be a refusal to be beaten, no matter how tough, talented or big your opponent may be.  However it is not only about being beaten by people.
In pursuit of our ambitions in life be we will inevitably meet obstacles and problems. Some may be minor and others seem insurmountable. ( For me, fighting to stay quit!)
It is easy and pleasant to work on an ambition when all appears to be going your way, you will feel confident and optimistic about the outcome.
However the times when we meet obstacles are when the strength of our indomitable spirit will dictate how far we get.. had this to say:
It would be used to describe someone who has a very strong character and will not give up. They cannot be subdued or overcome and will keep on trying. It might be applied to someone like an explorer or mountain climber who keeps going in difficult circumstances, where others would give up.
I don't see myself as someone who gives up easily.  I quit smoking an estimated 15 to 20 times before now. It has not been easy. Yet here I am trying again.  Yes I am a Quitter and I'm proud to say so!  As for me it is my Indomitable Spirit that will keep me going, with the help of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Not to mention my Fantastic Family, my Forgiving Friends and my Faithful Followers! :)

So you see, I wouldn't have been able to learn any of that if timing wasn't important.  My husband tested my will, my instructor worked the crap out of my will and then he fed my spirit.  It was important to make sure that my spirit was hungry to be fed. That hunger and timing was all supplied by God through these two amazing men.  Once again Praise Be to God!

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