I am going to break my code of "No Politics" for this blog. If you don't want to read this post, now is a good time to step away. Come back on Monday and I will have a non political post for you. I thank you for reading my blog and look forward to having you back.
Now for those of you still with me, there is some serious debate going on all over about Gov. Walkers bill that was supposed to be passed yesterday. I first have to tell you that I am a non Union worker. My husband is a Union worker for the Operators Local 139. (So far they have not called and asked for my husbands support yet, I find their silence disturbing) I personally do Not like the Union. My honey and I often disagree on this topic so we don't talk about politics together. (Very heated debating!) This bill however will break the Union. Completely. I'm not okay with that. Why you ask?
This bill will revoke our state workers (except local police, state troopers and fire fighters) ability to bargaining rights. This bill will also not allow employers to collect Union Dues. This bill is mostly about breaking the Union. Most of the state workers are willing to concede to paying into their pensions and health benefits. Nobody is fighting that. They are just asking to keep their Bargaining Rights. That is all Gov. Walker would have to concede to. If you want to read the facts about this bill click
here. I want to also point out to you though that unfortunately that there are a lot of angry people who are saying awful things about our teachers. People are calling them greedy, ungrateful, and saying that they should be fired for calling in sick to protest losing their bargaining rights. If I remember correctly, this is about All state employees. Except the local police, state troopers, and fire fighters. Oh yeah, Except Gov. Walker, the State Senators and Congressman. I would like to point also that many police, state troopers and fire fighters are also protesting the unfairness in this bill. We are truly a torn state. This is the first time in my life I have ever backed a Union thought. (My husband is happy to finally have me by his side.) I have family members who whole heartily think that Gov. Walker is correct in this bill. They believe that this is the answer. I believe that when this bill passes it is only the beginning of Gov. Walkers bad calls. I would also like to show you one more article from a local news channel, this is written by UWEC Chancellor, I feel the worst for the Limited Term Employees (LTE). If you want to read Chancellor Levin-Stankevich's letter, click
here. I encourage you to read some of the comments. You will see that there is alot of uneducated hate spewing. I guess that peoples unwillingness to educate and read up on issues Before they pass judgement. Unfortunately our teachers are the 'Patsy's" in this, they are the most targeted for the hate that is growing in favor of Walkers bill. I apologize for a Political post again, but I could not let it go. I felt the need to reach out to the haters, and maybe encourage them to simmer down, and educate themselves. This is not about who has a job and should be grateful. This is about protecting the rights of people who are working, letting them bargain for their rights. About keeping Unions....ya that was hard for me to say. To all the Teachers out there: Keep up the Great work you do. Thank you for teaching us, thank you for teaching my children. I am grateful to your service.