Saturday, August 11, 2012

Packers, Picnics, and Tourneys

Anyone catch the Pack Thurs. night?  I listened in the car, then watched until the beginning of the 3rd.  That was enough, I had to be up early..  Darn it, it is just Pre Season,  I hope they get their bearings soon.  That was hard to endure.  Lets just hope they get the losing outta their system!  :-)

Went to a Customer Appreciation,  it rained,  downpoured actually.  That didn't stop the kids from playing though. they were determined to get their prizes.  I wonder were they get that competitive spirit???  Hmm,  IDK, I will have to think on that.

I got invited to play softball for a team that needed an extra for tournaments this weekend.  I looked at my leg, and thought, ahhh why not.  I just found out Tues. that I bruised my thigh bone and shin bone (love the technicals!) doing a flying snap kick.  A FLYING WHAT!  You heard me,  a flying snap kick,  it looks a lot like the Karate Kids winning move in the first movie.  You know the one he practiced for on the posts, then with a broken leg, still manages to pull it off.... He is way cooler than me, because with two good legs, I still landed wrong.  No, it wasn't the first time I did it either.  But I promise, it will be the last. (ahem... maybe)  Did I mention I tore a part of my ACL too?  But that's OK, I will still play ball!  Doc said I can play sports, as long as I wear my brace, and only play at 80%.  Sweeeeeet! I'll take it! (Just for the record I did check things out on the Internet to make sure I heard him right.)  You can read about it here.
So back to the game.  I get there, I'm nervous, my blood is just pumping though my veins like a freight train.  I watch everyone hitting the ball, cool, I got this, I say.  I walk up to the plate, take a deep cleansing breathe, and wait.  The pitcher throws, the ball is way high, and drops on the plate, STRIKE!  What the hell was THAT, I think.  Deep breath, dig in my cleats, ball comes in high, drops in the dirt in front of the plate,  GOOD EYE, they all yell.  Roll the bat, breathe, dig the cleats, ball comes in high, I watch and swing as it comes down.....
I missed. STRIKE!
"That's it" my cousin says.
"I got one more" I say.
"No, 2 strikes, 3 balls in this league"  he replies
My heart hits the dirt, this is harder that I thought it was gonna be.  The rest of the game played that way.  At least I knew I only had 2 chances this time.  I played like a newbie.  Guess I was.
During our wait for the second game, our pitcher took pity on me, and gave me some practice and tips.  I gave it a good effort. (I know because I pulled the muscles in my right ribs for my effort!)
What a good guy, he deserved a Leininkugals for that!  I made sure to get him one, wanted to give him a hug too, but that would be....  well.....weird.
Our second game, I hit the ball a total of 4 times that I was at bat.  2 times I never made it to first, then I was out on the way to 2nd, and the 4th at bat, I made it to second, but our inning ended. I got one out too!  I'm hoping to make it home tomorrow,  WISH me luck and don't forget to pray for the teams and my health,  especially my ribs and knee!

Packers, kids, and tourneys  barely know when the right time to quit is.  Here's to all you who like to play, no matter the odds, weather or injuries.

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