Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Cross We Bear

The cross we bear is all to often for our benefit, and sometimes for that of someone else.  In that way our cross is a blessing, because is saves others from suffering, it is enough for them to experience it through us.  Much like Christ suffered for us.  We reap the benefits with out having to go through what He did.  I have had the honor of recently suffered and had 2 loved ones tell me how they have benefited from it.
But penance need not be paid in suffering...It can be paid in forward motion. Correcting the mistake is a positive move, a nurturing move.
Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000
In the first week of "remission" (I'm using this for a lack of a better word) of battling depression and an unstable home turning to anti depressants and family therapy for a solution.   A loved one told me that her husband was more attentive to her and her needs after hearing and seeing my ordeal with my beloved husband.   I could only smile thru the tears and tell her that I was happy that my misery inadvertently brought her happiness.  I was genuinely sincere in that statement.  Her happiness became mine.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.
Helen Keller
US blind & deaf educator (1880 - 1968)
Another friend told me recently, that my courage to go seek help from a professional to help me pave my way toward happiness encouraged her to do the same.  After one night she feels the weight of burden relieved from her shoulders.  Again  I said the same.  I am happy for her happiness.
Only God knows why He does the things He does, it is our job to live through them and find the meaning for us.  Obviously I was meant to learn and remind others of things they have already learned.  I am finding me again, and if others find themselves in the process, so much the better!

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Helen Keller
US blind & deaf educator (1880 - 1968)
How about you?  Has Jesus brought you to your knees and helped you learn and be humbled?  I thank Him for His wisdom and for bringing me through this process so that I may be a better wife and mother.

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