Friday, October 28, 2011

Miss Maddy

Always in the Tub!
I found my baby on Craigslist, she was going to be in town for the weekend,  then gone forever.   I had to jump and meet her.  I called the number and set up a meeting place.  God had answered my prayers.  He found us a great dog and got her a ride to us.... all the way from Texas!  A truck driver found her starving, dehydrated and full of fleas at a steel plant in Texas.  He felt bad for her, no one had any objections to him taking her, so he fed her, watered her, gave her 3 flea baths, and posted her to Craigslist where I found her.  He couldn't keep her, but he was certainly not going to leave her there!   When I called, I had a few tests to pass.  I had to have a house in the country, (check!)  I had to have kids, (check)  I had to promise to love and take care of her.  (Check and Check!)  When I brought the kids to meet her, it was love at first sight!  She loved them and they loved her.  We couldn't wait to take her home, I felt bad for her Hero truck driver,  having to lose his companion for the past 3 days.  He said he was okay, he knew she would be happy.  He was right, everyday she greats us all happily.  We look forward to her, she pounces like a cat!   She is also a very dirty dog, she loves to roll in things better left unmentioned,  needless to say she takes alot of baths!  We love her though, one little quirk for all the love and joy we get from her!!  She is a blessing, smart puppy, she learns very fast.  I also think she smiles when I scratch her behind the ears, she likes that best.  My favorite thing she does, is definitely when she gets low like a tiger on the plains of Africa,  stalks her prey (my kids), as they come across the lawn, she lays low, slowly moving in on them, as they come around the bend she pounces!  Back packs and lunch boxes go flying, screams can be heard for miles.  MADDY! NO!!!  I watch from the window, I laugh, tears coming from my eyes,  she strikes again!  That just never gets old.  They will never learn, she ALWAYS strikes in the valley.  It's the low point, they can't see her. :)

How about you, does your dog have quirks, do they antagonize your family, do you find the humor in it?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Cross We Bear

The cross we bear is all to often for our benefit, and sometimes for that of someone else.  In that way our cross is a blessing, because is saves others from suffering, it is enough for them to experience it through us.  Much like Christ suffered for us.  We reap the benefits with out having to go through what He did.  I have had the honor of recently suffered and had 2 loved ones tell me how they have benefited from it.
But penance need not be paid in suffering...It can be paid in forward motion. Correcting the mistake is a positive move, a nurturing move.
Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000
In the first week of "remission" (I'm using this for a lack of a better word) of battling depression and an unstable home turning to anti depressants and family therapy for a solution.   A loved one told me that her husband was more attentive to her and her needs after hearing and seeing my ordeal with my beloved husband.   I could only smile thru the tears and tell her that I was happy that my misery inadvertently brought her happiness.  I was genuinely sincere in that statement.  Her happiness became mine.
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.
Helen Keller
US blind & deaf educator (1880 - 1968)
Another friend told me recently, that my courage to go seek help from a professional to help me pave my way toward happiness encouraged her to do the same.  After one night she feels the weight of burden relieved from her shoulders.  Again  I said the same.  I am happy for her happiness.
Only God knows why He does the things He does, it is our job to live through them and find the meaning for us.  Obviously I was meant to learn and remind others of things they have already learned.  I am finding me again, and if others find themselves in the process, so much the better!

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Helen Keller
US blind & deaf educator (1880 - 1968)
How about you?  Has Jesus brought you to your knees and helped you learn and be humbled?  I thank Him for His wisdom and for bringing me through this process so that I may be a better wife and mother.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Not Certifiably So.

OK, I can do this.  Yes, this has been a Very difficult time.  We are up, we are down,  the roller coaster of life has apparently got me worse than I knew.  After too much hell, I have been made aware that it was time I seek help.  Not only for my benefit, but that of my children.  And hopefully that of my husband.  I'm not sure that I should be putting this out there, but this is my blog and I started this to help with the nic fits and crappiness of quitting.   So with that the confession begins.  How I got to this point.

Job stress +  financial stress + family stress + quitting smoking cold turkey x 12+ months brewing time = severe anxiety, depression, panic attacks, hot flashes, anger/irritability, mood swings, etc.

Huh... Who knew!  Well,  now what?   According to the good doc, she wants to know if she can put me on nicotine replacement.........(crickets chirping)...............(yet more crickets)...............
You have GOT to be kidding me!  (did I mention mood swings?)  I did Not make it this long for you to put nicotine back into my system.  No way, No how, Not Happening!! (insert frustrated crying) 
Would you mind going on some medication?  (Deep breath, panic attack....Breathe!)
UHHH, don't you think I already have an issue with addiction?  I really cant take any more battles.
(Patronizing smile) Cindy, you can't get addicted to this, you can only feel normal.  Would you like to feel normal again? 
Does a fish like to swim?  Hell Yes!  But honestly Doc, this pill thing makes me nervous. 
It will take 2 to 3 weeks to take effect, come see me then.
OK, fine.  (I can do this.... I think)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Being Smoke free

Hello....HELLO.....I'm sorry I have Severely neglected this blog,  if you can here me out there in the blogosphere, I Am Sorry.   Life has been throwing me fast curve balls and I can not keep up!  All excuses are of course unexpected, I understand, but... well... then.. moving on.

I am going to tell you the positives, starting with my biggest accomplishment: One Entire Year Smoke Free!
yes, I did it!  Officially I am 369 days smoke free!  Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.   I survived mostly because I am just a stubborn woman   determined individual who has a goal to accomplish.  I have many family and friends to thank for helping me make it, also to my fellow bloggers because reading your blogs of daily struggles and survivals were a huge part of my success in the beginning.  I would read your blogs instead of going outside to smoke, it changed my routine.  A HUGE thanks to Kari, Mark, Misha, and Big Momma!!  Thanks for keeping me occupied with your witty insight in your areas of expertise :)

I want to also say that I got a new puppy in Aug. and will tell you that story in another post to follow soon with pics! She's perfect as she can be ;) 
Hope to see you all again soon, 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lazy Day of Play

It was a hot weekend in this part of the country, hot enough to spend a day on the river, a lazy day if you will.   We decided to allow for everything.  We brought the boat, suits, poles and even the grill.  A better day could not have been planned.  The family decided to start the day out with a ride up river to the dam and we would journey back down during the course of our day.  It was beautiful, the river was high enough that we didn't see the rocks that fill the river, making it treacherous for anyone with a boat that sits more than a foot in the water.  Not a problem for us though we only need a 2 inches of water once we are planed out!  (Insert super big smile)  Sure do love being on the air boat, and I know the kids do too!  We flew up river chasing an Eagle a  head of us.  It was majestic soaring above the trees, like it was our escort.  Freedom, heart and soul Freedom.  I can't explain it any better than that.
We get up to the Chippewa Dam and there is people on the banks everywhere, it was WI Free Fishing Day.  Everybody was trying for a fish without having to buy a licence, a big day in the state.  We dropped anchor just before the rapids, and proceeded to set up poles for kids.  My honey got little 5 year old Emma's out first, gave her instructions and proceeds on with his own pole.  I had set up my boys and was working on my own when Em says "my pole is wiggling". 
"No, its fine honey"  I reply thinking the current is playing tricks on her.
A little while later she says "Mom, my pole is really wiggling!"
"It's fine honey",  I say as I set the weights on my line.
Next thing I know she's squealing, her pole's drag is screaming as the line is being pulled out and a bass is jumping out of the water trying to spit out the hook! 
"REEL IT IN!"  My husband and I yell, both of us dropping our gear to assist her.  She got a little scared when she seen the fish and wanted to throw the pole into the river,  she wanted no part of the fish on the end of her line, I could see it in her face.  My honey took the pole, and we continued to talk her into it.  "Em, you can do this, it'll be the biggest you ever caught, maybe the biggest of all the kids".  Everyone now nodding and coaxing her back to taking the pink Barbie pole. 
With a reluctant pole handling girl, we continued to talk her though it.  "Reel, pull up, down and reel, hold, bring it up, play it out, down and reel..."  The whole time that Barbie pole is a screaming for  mercy, the fish is trying to jump and spit it.  She did great, she played him out like a Pro!  My honey picked the fish out of the river to show Emily, poor girl backed right up to the edge of the boat.  We all congratulated her as my honey measured it.  14 1/4 inch long.  We talked her into taking a pic if Daddy held it for her.  That's my girl,  anything for a picture!
Sorry I couldn't figure out how to rotate the pic.

Not a bad fish at all!

Not a bad start to the day if I do say so myself, the rest of the day was pleasant.  Two more bass made it in the boat, not too bad.  :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Game On!

Life is all about ball.  We win some, we lose some, sometimes your forced to be even Steven!  We can't always be winners, we have to lose gracefully.   My daughter is on a 2 game losing streak, she's taking it pretty well.  I let her choose, ice cream or smores.  She chose unlimited smores.  I think she ate 4!  Well if it makes life a little sweeter, why not?   Meanwhile, I am a calorie counting fool trying to obtain my prequit weight. 
My older boy, got a home run inside the fence.  Its worth $10 according to negotiations over the weekend.  You see over the fence is worth $20, in the grass (no dirt) is a $1.  All 4 kids are in this program, (family sponsored) my t-ballers negotiated a .25 cent  rule for balls that end in the grass but traveled through the dirt.  Fair is fair I guess.  I'm not sure if I am schooling them to be ball players or lawyers?  Both are over paid and usually love how they make their livings.  It works I guess.  :)
My t-ballers are so far no losses and one forced tie due to game time restrictions.  They seem to be happy with themselves, and OK with no ice cream so far in the season.  Ice cream is only for losers during baseball season.  Thank goodness older siblings got some losses or we would all go through withdrawals!  (Insert laughter!) 
On that note, I am proud to tell you all that I lost 10 pounds since I last posted :)  Calorie counting is easier than ever with My Fitness Pal.  I also walk 3 to 4 days a week with my neighbors and friends, awfully nice of them to encourage me!  I don't think I would be a consistent walker if I didn't have them to talk to.
So as I was saying, life is all about ball, some wins (still quit), some losses (10 lbs) some even Steven (I'm still me!)  Game on my friends, Game On!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

OK, not the best blogging person lately.  We have a full, busy season in the spring, in addition to Kyuki Do, we also have baseball, softball, t-ball and not to forget Crappies are spawning this time of year.  Sat. May 7th is our official fishing season opener!  So when I'm not on the mat, at a baseball diamond, you can find me on any river in the Chippewa Valley.  (Smile)

I am also 8 months quit and 30 pounds heavier.  I was supposed to not gain more than 10 lbs.  What happened?  I suspect it has a lot to do with my inability to say NO to more than one crutch at a time.  Can't smoke so Hey how bout a Latte?  A piece of chocolate, or two, or three.....  I did manage to give up soda.  (small victory)  I chew alot of gum.  The dentist has requested that I only chew Trident, save my teeth some agony.  BTW I have two... yes two cavities starting to form.  I am beginning to believe that I am suffering more than I wanted to for not smoking in 8 months.  At what point does obesity become an issue and Doctors wish I would be a smoker and not overweight?  I am still a risk for cancer, but now I'm sure other factors are keying in.  Like am I now in line for diabetes, heart problems?  I don't know, but I bet Docs still prefer me as a non smoker.  I have been told that quitting smoking has adverse effects on my metabolism.  Well, thanks a lot I would have loved to known that little detail, before I quit.  I would have liked to know that I would end up depressed due to the fact that none of my clothes fit me.
Hmmm.... guess I will have to go Shoppin! (I feel better already.)
I have a ton of excuses, little self control, (at least for food) and what feels like high blood pressure.  I actually have great blood pressure, but it takes very little to make blood pound through my body like a freight train late for its destination.  I really believed that this was going to get easier, that I would slip into the non smoking crowd easily.  It's not that way, I am in limbo. I am in a hard spot and I can't wait until this is as easy as breathing.  Until then, I pray for peaceful and tranquil thoughts.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Goodbye Our Best Friend

Rest In Peace Sandy
Nov. 2008 to March 2011

It is a sad day in our household, we lost our best friend, she was truly the happiest member of our family.  She was always happy to please, loved to wrestle, she would talk to you when she thought you needed to hear her.  When she was upset she would dig holes outside my window.  (She believed in the "pay back policy".)  (LOL)   She would shiver when she was excited, and when she greeted you home, her butt would wag so hard, you would think that her butt would come and hit her in the head!  She loved to go for rides with the family or just Dad.  Sandy was the best home defender a family could ask for, not only would she warn us of visitors, day or night, she also killed mice, gophers, and tried for birds.  No animal could cross the property without her permission.  She was a very curious, and happy puppy.  We miss her greatly.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


A look into the news and life as we know it looks near apocalyptic.  Japan has lost citizens, many family members are deceased or missing.  Sad.  Locally there has been loss of lives due to accidents.  Sad.  My heart really goes out to the 9 year old boy who got off his school bus and a 16 year old ran him over.  Hes in critical care.  A 12 year old was riding with his parent when a car crossed the center line and claimed the life of his parents.  Hes in critical care.  A 7th grade boy in my daughters school decided to take his own life, leaving friends and family wondering.  Why?
 Of course there is the WI battle for and against Gov. Walker.  Oil Prices on the rise, should we or shouldn't we tap into the national oil reserves.  Those are just a few stories in the news locally and nationally.

I wanted to write a post on addiction, ask for you to email me with a story of your own about addiction.  Be it chocolate, food, smoking, whatever you are or were addicted to. 

That was difficult because I realized that there were other things on my mind that seemed so much more important.  There are people who are not going to hold a loved one anymore.  That are fighting for their lives,  when and if they win that battle, are going to find life much more difficult than they remembered.  A new cross to bear.  My heart is in anguish for these people hurting from heartbreaking loss.  Today ran into a friend who lost his baby a little while back,  I can not begin to comprehend that pain, nor do I want to.  My priority today is to hold my "babies", tell them that I love them, and pray to God to ease the pain of those suffering because He called several souls home.

Lord we are in your mercy, and know not why you do the things you do.  Thank you for the days we have together on earth.  In your mercy I pray, Amen.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chain of Inspiration

I want to start off this post telling you how much I enjoy winter.  I keep reading posts about people being sick of winter on facebook and from fellow bloggers.  I have to admit that every year I ask God for more snow than the previous year.  One draughted winter we were just building our garage and didn't have doors on it yet.  We put up tarps to cover the massive holes where our future doors were to be.  Feeling a little miffed about the lack of snow I pleaded to God on the biggest tarp I spray painted it.  "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Please God Let It Snow!"  We got some snow, the most of it in March.  At the beginning of this season I implored him as usual to make it the snowiest yet.  This year my wonderful Savior has provided in an abundance, across the country to make sure I knew he had heard me!

Yesterday I went to church, only because my oldest had to acolyte. (Sad, but true)  My two youngest were dying to sit in the balcony, so up we went.  They were quiet, I could hear the sermon.  Notice the shock.  It was a good one too, he didn't make me feel guilty.  He just told us about having Christ hear us.  He did a spin on "The Cloud" commercials.  It was a well timed talk, I needed to hear what was said in church, as to that I think that my Lord has spoken thru a vessel.  Lord, I want you to know that I heard you!  Thank you as always for your guidance in my life.  See you for Ash Wed, you know my sins, and I humbly ask for forgiveness.  In your mercy always. ~ Cindy

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today I wish to thank my family.  You see we are have a belated b-day party for my 2 oldest today.  It was short notice, but it had to be done.  We invited our family and a few friends of thiers.  Yesterday, I woke them up and told them to eat breakfast and get to work!  This morning I am relaxing in a immaculate house, top to bottom and it isn't even spring yet.  As a parent I can only marvel at what my children can accomplish when they set thier minds to something.  My house is anything but small.  We went through 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, dining, sitting, living, rec area, laundry, and the play area!  Wow, and here I was hoping to tidy things up a bit.  I know your wondering... my children are 12, 9, 5 and 6.  Someone in this house is feeling like a great parent.  Im going to relish the thought before the house gets destroyed today  with a party.  Ta Ta for now, Im gonna enjoy my cup of coffee and look at my beautiful house :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

More Polar Plunge Pics

Here are the official site photos.  Just thought you would enjoy them, they really help fill in the gaps :)  There are 3 pics so make sure you arrow over to the next one.  My favorite is the one with us in the air!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Polar Plunge Pics!

We came, we jumped, we got out!  It was amazingly fast,  yes the anticipation was worse than the doing.  Don't believe me, join me next year. :)  I am gonna do it again.  No doubt about it.  It was a lot of fun, it was for a great cause, and well it's awesome bragging rights.  Now as for my camera men, I had 3 on the job.  2 taking pics, one doing video.  Pic takers did their job, point and click.  Now my video man, apparently not so much.  Point and click.  Hmm, it did not shoot video.  I am so disappointed, I can not tell you.    The video was my only way to see it.  I just wanna cry.   Maybe next year.  Here are the pics as promised :) Hope you enjoy them.  I sure did.
Oh yeah this do this!


Oh that's cold!

I think I'm frozen in place.

Me getting my duck.

Yes I was the last one out.  Must have enjoyed  the brisk swim ;)
 All in all not a bad dip, next year I will come better prepared. Thanks again to all my sponsors, I really enjoyed the experience and hope to have you sponsor me again.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Top 10 Feburary Pics

Attempts at being super snowboarders!

Just Plain Cutie :)

Little Guy Sure likes the Camera.  He wont watch were hes going!

It's So hard to Pose!

Me finishing up from the 15 inch snowfall.

Its hard to see but this is me plowing during the Blizzard.  Cold Work!

My Honey working hard to remove the never ending snow!

My Serena's Birthday is in this Great Month!

My big catch!

Sleepy head can never make it home after a hard day Fishing :)
So far the month of Feb, has been eventful!  Up and Coming, Serena and I will be testing for our Green Stripes this Friday, and on Sunday the 27th  we will be doing the Polar Plunge!

I am close to making my Goal of $350!  I am so excited, can't wait to do this.  Your help is appreciated, please feel free to check out my page at:

Take care, See you soon with more pics!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Unrest in Wisconsin

I am going to break my code of  "No Politics" for this blog.  If you don't want to read this post, now is a good time to step away.  Come back on Monday and I will have a non political post for you.  I thank you for reading my blog and look forward to having you back.
Now for those of you still with me, there is some serious debate going on all over about Gov. Walkers bill that was supposed to be passed yesterday.   I first have to tell you that I am a non Union worker.  My husband is a Union worker for the Operators Local 139.  (So far they have not called and asked for my husbands support yet, I find their silence disturbing)  I personally do Not like the Union.  My honey and I often disagree on this topic so we don't talk about politics together.  (Very heated debating!)  This bill however will break the Union.  Completely.  I'm not okay with that. Why you ask?
This bill will revoke our state workers (except local police, state troopers and fire fighters) ability to bargaining rights.  This bill will also not allow employers to collect Union Dues.  This bill is mostly about breaking the Union. Most of the state workers are willing to concede to paying into their pensions and health benefits.  Nobody is fighting that.  They are just asking to keep their Bargaining Rights.  That is all Gov. Walker would have to concede to.  If you want to read the facts about this bill click here.  I want to also point out to you though that unfortunately that there are a lot of angry people who are saying awful things about our teachers. People are calling them greedy, ungrateful, and saying that they should be fired for calling in sick to protest losing their bargaining rights.  If I remember correctly, this is about All state employees.  Except the local police, state troopers, and fire fighters.  Oh yeah, Except Gov. Walker, the State Senators and Congressman.  I would like to point also that many police, state troopers and fire fighters are also protesting the unfairness in this bill.   We are truly a torn state.  This is the first time in my life I have ever backed a Union thought. (My husband is happy to finally have me by his side.)  I have family members who whole heartily think that Gov. Walker is correct in this bill.  They believe that this is the answer.  I believe that when this bill passes it is only the beginning of Gov. Walkers bad calls.  I would also like to show you one more article from a local news channel, this is written by UWEC Chancellor,  I feel the worst for the Limited Term Employees (LTE).  If you want to read Chancellor Levin-Stankevich's  letter, click here.  I encourage you to read some of the comments.  You will see that there is alot of uneducated hate spewing.  I guess that peoples unwillingness to educate and read up on issues Before they pass judgement.  Unfortunately our teachers are the 'Patsy's" in this, they are the most targeted for the hate that is growing in favor of Walkers bill.  I apologize for a Political post again, but I could not let it go.  I felt the need to reach out to the haters, and maybe encourage them to simmer down, and educate themselves.  This is not about who has a job and should be grateful.  This is about protecting the rights of people who are working, letting them bargain for their rights.  About keeping Unions....ya that was hard for me to say.  To all the Teachers out there: Keep up the Great work you do.  Thank you for teaching us, thank you for teaching my children.  I am grateful to your service.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Its the lovey Valentines Day, every woman is happy and hopeful.  Today is the same day my honey asked me to marry him, 9 years ago.  He had really cool romantic plans too.  I not knowing the game plan inadvertently ruined them for him.  (The story of my life, what can I say!)  Here is what we were supposed to do:  We drop my baby girl off at my sisters house to babysit while we go off and have a nice quiet romantic lunch, and afterwords he takes me to Mt. Tom overlooking the city where he proposes.   Sounds nice, thoughtful, basically ooey and gooey.  Ya know things girls want to experience. :)  What I got was a story that went like this:  We drop off my baby girl off at my sisters house to babysit.  "Where ya going out to eat"  she asks?  "I don't know, know anyplace nearby that's good and fairly quick I have to go to work in 3 hours."  I reply.  She tells us about Mardi Gras.  Its a small restaurant nearby and serves food as New Orleans style as us Wisconsinites can take. (I honestly don't remember much of the place, it just was not that great.  We have never been back since.)  We lose a lot of time there and I'm in a hurry to get my little girl and get home to get ready for work.  He keeps talking and trys to deter me from my course, but being a Taurus, my mind was made and there was no stopping me.  We get onto my sisters road, and he screams "Pull over I have to pee!"  I look at him his eyes were wide.  "Really, we are a mile from Kathy's. Can't you wait?"  "No.  I have to go NOW!" was his reply as he's pulling on the door handle.  I pull over,  I'm waiting, and waiting.  How can anyone pee that long, I'm wondering.  I look in the side mirror, he's on his knees behind my truck.  ????  I get out, wondering if the food was bad at the restaurant.  I get behind the truck, there he is holding a box with a ring in it.  "This is Not how I wanted to do this, but you left me no choice.  The whole day didn't go how I wanted it too. "  He starts to explain.  I am in shock, I think its the only time I have ever been speechless in my life.  "So what do ya think"  he asks.  "Do you want to be my wife?"  By this time I managed to be a blubbering idiot.  I'm bawling, wiping my eyes, and nose.  Somehow I managed a yes, and he put the ring on my finger. 

I will never forget Valentines Day, it holds a special place in my heart.  That was the best V-Day I have ever had and I'm glad to say so.  I don't ask for much on V-day anymore, how can you top that?  He is the best present he has ever given me.  Thank you Honey, for giving all of you to me forever.  I love you and always will.  For eternity, because Life is too short.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Yesterday, I was in a meeting and I sat next to an old friend.  We haven't talked much over the past few years, I realized how much I miss her in my life. In all these years, she has never missed my birthday or anniversary. She is an amazing woman, who has endured life's trials and has come out stronger.  I believe that I am a better person just by having known her. She has raised 2 sons on her own, helped one through a drug addiction, and  buried a grandson. She has also quit smoking, another lesson learned from her.  Her life certainly was not easy, but she prevailed. We were given a test on resilient behavior.  I read some of the questions and knew I was not a resilient person.  Test questions were to be numbered  1strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree.  Ex; Are you able to bounce back from a negative experience.   Most of her answers were 4 and 5's.  I believe she answered honestly.  I have watched her for over a decade. She takes God's trials and blessing with ease.  She mourns when she has to, and puts herself together and helps others through their own trials.  She is the epitome of a true woman, she is a caregiver.  I love to hear her laugh, I love also to have the chance to be there when she needs me.  This woman has taught me so much about strength, I see now that there is more to learn from her.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Polar Plunge 2011

I wasn't certain that I was crazy, now I am positive that I AM crazy!  Who in their right mind would jump in a lake that recently had chunks cut out of it?  Not this chick... OK... This chick is gonna do it.  I'm scared because I wont even go in a pool that is too cold.  Why am I doing this you ask?  Oh 3 reasons come to mind:
  1. Serena- big hazel pouting eyes "Please Mom Please I really want to do this!"
  2. Isaac- in class I knew he thought it was cool.
  3. Special Olympics, need I say more?
I want to be honest, it took her a week to convince me I should Plunge into ice cold water for no other reason than to raise money for the Special Olympics of Wisconsin. So here I am, "Freezin for a Reason" as the Polar Plunge slogan goes.  I am hoping to raise $350 for our team AKF Martial Arts.  This is all goes to Special Olympics.  It is a great cause.  I'll only ask you to donate what you can.  If it is only a dollar than I am good with that.  Please help me raise this money by emailing this post to your contacts.  I have until Feb. 26th.  We jump on Feb. 27th.  I will post photos and (fingers crossed) I'll get a video uploaded.   If you want to sponsor me you can donate by clicking this link.  Thank you for your support.  Just so you know I am secretly hoping to obtain the top goal of $1, 500.  I have yet to raise top funds for a fund raiser I have personally been in.    With your help I may get my wish.  Thank you for helping me obtain my goals.  Don't forget to come back to look for photos and if all goes well a video!  We only have until Feb. 26th to raise the money for this, be my sponsor, and send this post to your contacts.  I promise you will feel good about it right away, and every time you see a commercial for Special Olympics you will smile because you were a part of a great program.  Together we can do this!

Thank you~ Cindy

Monday, January 24, 2011


I was craving all things chocolate yesterday, I told my hubby that No Bake cookies would be the ticket.  He agreed, then we both proceeded to forget about the request.  (Packer game was playing! Did I mention that the Packers are going to the Super Bowl?!)  He called me at work today to tell me to pick up butter so he could make the cookies for me when I got home.  I made supper.... no cookies.  I went to Kyuki Do class.... no cookies.  "Honey, why haven't you made the cookies yet?" I ask.  "I was busy.....(insert long list of useless excuses.), he responds.  Yes, I made the cookies myself.  Probably good thing too, they taste better when I do. :)lol.  I just like it when he cooks for me, it makes my heart smile!  I left the cookies in the dining room to cool, while I went into the kitchen to clean up.  When I returned this is what I found.
Finger Tasters!

Ok buddy, your cute, I suppose you can have a cookie :)

Yes, your cute too!

Get Your Pickers outta there, you were supposed to make the cookies!
Yes I let him eat cookies, next time he better make them though! Just kidding.  They taste better when I make them, I just love giving him a hard time!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

God, It's Me Again

Yes Dear Lord, I am asking you to listen to another prayer of mine.  Hear Me out please.  I had a good day today, I smiled at patients, I enjoyed a cute toddler running around the clinic squealing his enjoyment to be alive! I teased the couriers, took some ribbing from co-workers, and listened to patient complaints with ease. I am trying to be the best Cindy I can be, I'm trying not to waste this precious life you have graciously given me.  I enjoyed my husband when I got home, picked on him, and played hard to get when he tried to kiss me. (difficult I know!)  I hugged my babies when they got home off the bus, and helped them with their homework, encouraged my son to complete the task even though it was hard for him. ( I knew he could do it!)  I had to be the bad guy when my girl could not complete her scroll at 100%, I told her she couldn't color in the box. :(  She cried, I felt bad but I know being a good mother means not taking the easy route.  I offered to help her count to 40 so that next time she would get it right.  She refused, I let her.  (You can lead a horse to water....)  Lord my day is finished, I've hopefully represented you well.  You are in my heart now and forever, watch over the my family and the person reading this post.  Thank you for Blessing my day, watch over people who are going through difficult times, have Mercy on them.  Ease their pain.  In Your Mercy I Pray, Amen.  ~Love, Me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Little Miss Project

Faithful followers, I am back, I'm feeling better and ready to blog like crazy again!  To kick it off I decided to share with you the Little Miss Project sponsored by Sugarland but started by a fan.  You can read about it here.   I also put a video of Sugarland's newest hit "Little Miss" on the side for your listening pleasure.   I am many of the Little Miss' described in their song.  Just to name a few: Little Miss I give Up, I'll get Tough don't you worry 'bout me anymore, one big mess, I'll take less when I always knew so much more, do your best, hide your scars, and do your part.  These are the ones that strike closest to home.  Gotta say that the refrain is a "keep on, keeping on" for me.  I often tell myself that "Its alright, its okay, I'm okay", those words are often in my monologue to myself.  Ms. Nettles ends the song with " You are Loved", yes I know, that is why "Its alright, it's okay, and I'm okay".  To all my "little miss'" out there, I love you too.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Dream Newsbreak!

I wanted to start out my new year with all great ideas, fresh start, maybe this year will be better; you know those feel good thoughts.  The media was of course not going with those thoughts of mine.  I should have never turned the t.v on.  Oil prices on the rise, politics are in full bad mouthing gear, every other commercial is trying to send you some lose weight gimmick.  So with 2011 being a week old  and only crappy things so far happening Im giving you my "dream" for the future of 2011. Here it goes:

I tuned to news on this morning and Julian Assuange is announced innocent of all charges, politicians everywhere have seen the light of honesty, although sometimes cruel, is still better than the current system of lying and stealing from the general population.  Obama announced that the "trickle down effect" was a big farce from the beginning and forces all companies involved into paying the money back to taxpayers.  Workers with insurance are allowed to put their parents onto their plan, so parents are allowed to retire instead of waiting to be 65 for medicare to kick in.  All politicians past 2 terms are determined to be inefficient and therefore forced into stepping down.  Oil companies are sorry for ruining the worlds economy in the first place and pay back their excessive dividends to start the the economy back into motion.  All of our construction workers are back to work, and taking care of their family's. 

*sigh* too bad its just a dream.  I wish for honesty among our leaders, and wealth among our working population.  Oh yeah and an end to food and weight loss commercials.  Peace be with you all.  God be with us!