Friday, October 29, 2010

New Belts!

As you can see, we were tested and we succeeded!  I made 1 itty bitty mistake that  was overlooked by the board, and my boy did perfect!  IT was awesome, I really enjoyed my self tonight, and I believe my family did too.  All my kids were allowed to bow in with me tonight before the test, it seemed that everyone enjoyed seeing the youngest two on the mat.  It was a rewarding experience.  My husband, mom and family friend were all there tonight to support the two of us who tested.  It was great. A memorable experience for all. Here are some of the pics from tonight.  Sorry they are butt shots, our picture taker was behind us!

 I hope you enjoyed these pics I know that I did! And finally here we are receiving belts! :)

So here we are a family in Kyuki Do taking it one belt at a time!  Yellow belt here we come!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I am trying to truly understand the words of the tenants of Kyuki Do.  I never really studied the words I use, and also I saw our classes future Black Belt get quizzed on them.  This week our tenant for the week is Courtesy. has this to say about Courtesy-
  1. excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior
  2. a courteous, respectful or considerate act or expression
  3. indulgence, consent or acquiesce
  4. favor, help or generosity
  • Related word: good manners.
Thinkexist has some interesting quotes, here are some of my favorite.
"Don't flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates.  The nearer you come into relation with a person the more necessary do tact and courtesy become."
~ Oliver Wendall Holmes
"No one is to big to be courteous, but some are too little." ~ Unknown
"To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness."
~ Benjamin Franklin
"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few and those few be well tried before you give them your confidence."                                        ~ George Washington
"He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love."
~ Proverbs
Thoughts for the soul, I think.  I'm honestly calmer for having taken the time to study this one little word.  So how does one teach something like courtesy?  That is probably only shown, never explained?  It is shown through our interactions with other people.  It is when a man holds a door for a woman, especially the old ones.t is when there is one slice of pizza  left and you both grab for it at the same time; which one of you will give it up for the other?  It is in our daily actions, its helping a loved one even though there are other things you'd rather be doing.  Its taking time to listen to others.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Wow, I have made it 8 weeks smoke free!  I didn't know if I could make it this far.  It has been a family effort.  I must admit that I am no peach to live with.  I have been emotional, moody, and at times downright mean.  I asked my hubby the other night if I should go back to smoking so he could like me again.  Amazingly he said "No, we made it this far, let's keep going".  What a man!  He's a real John Wayne, he's tough and he don't take no crap.  Well actually he just lets it go in one ear and out the other.  I have been practicing for my yellow stripe in Kyuki Do, the test is Friday.  My older boy will be testing with me.  My two youngest earned their yellow (permanent marker) stripe  on Wed. of last week.  They were so proud, it brought tears to my eyes.  If I pass I will have to change the top pic to show off all of our new belts!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Air Boat

I woke up this morning in a dream I did not want to wake up from.  It was so peaceful, relaxing, and wonderful.  I dreamt I was fishing on the air boat with my husband.  I don't recall catching any fish, I must admit.  The dream was more about being on the boat with someone I love, and that tranquility you feel when your out fishing.  It made me want to write about the air boat.  My husband bought the boat while we were still engaged, he took my daughter with him to pick it up.  They were so excited to show it to me when I got home from work.  I was in a state of shock to say the least.  I honestly didn't know Air boats existed in the state of Wisconsin.  That boat is the only toy we have left of our initial youth.  I sold my motorcycle for a lawn mower and he sold his ATV for other needed things.  I can't get rid of that thing, I love it.  I love the way we can go up the river when other boats have to shy away for fear of injured props.  I love how it is stable like a pontoon.  Most of all I love watching people looking at us as we drive by!  In case your wondering, it has a 69' Corvair Engine and it's length is just shy of 16" ft long.  Just short enough to not need a licence on it. We know because we watched the local DNR guy measure it 3 times!  We attract the DNR often, it is a rare fishing trip to not find our friends waiting for us when we come into the landing.  Our favorite is the one in Menomonie, he has the best sense of humor out of the rest.  He shares stories, tells us the trends for fish in the area.  Who wouldn't want that kind of info?  
It also has eight years of fishing stories linked to it.  I got my first Sturgeon on it and so did my Dad.  Most of our kids caught their first fish out of it.  We have camped with it, we have stayed camping on beaches on the river with it.  My heart is with that boat, I don't know if I could trade it in for any other kind.
My Honey At the Helm!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just Thinkin Aloud

A lot of things are on my mind right now. At the end of the month I am testing for the next belt in Kyuki Do with my son.  How exciting!  I am also starting my new job on the first.  Perfect family hours. 6 to 2:30 no weekends no holiday.  Its perfect as I can get, without winning the lottery and never working again!  Of course Halloween is a little more than a week away, the kids are on a sugar trance in anticipation of the whole ordeal.  Wow, they are giddy to say the least.  I remember when I was a kid my mom would load the six of us up, take us to the people we knew in the country on the way to town.  My grandmother always gave us popcorn balls and apples. We loved it!  At every stop we would hear how scary, pretty, or cute we all looked, get hugs and kisses, our cheeks pinched and off we went to the next house.  It was such a family ordeal when I was a kid, it always lasted to 10 or 11 p.m.  We had a blast!  My children are never going to experience that.  Yes I bring them to see my family, but I have a time schedule to keep.  You can not start before 5 pm and you must be done by 7 pm to 8 pm depending on what city you go to.  No I'm not hurt that my children get less candy, personally I think they get more than I used to.  (maybe cause I never stopped dippin in the bucket!)  I just think we had more time to socialize with the neighbors, friends and family then.  We often met up with friends in town, found out who was giving the best and biggest candy bars, and who to stay away from cause they gave away practical things like toothbrushes.  By the way as a parent I love the toothbrush person!  I make sure to stop at your house every year! Thank you. :) We will see you out there on Halloween, and may the Scare Be With You! Stay safe, wear bright clothes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On the same page.

I was checking out my favorite blog idontwearpinkcamotothewoods today and what do I see? A posting for a network full of cool outdoor stuff  partially created by another blog outdooress that I enjoy!  Its full of helpful hints, equipment reviews, and my personal favorite freebies.  They are even giving away shiny new Shimano reel, my personal favorite to use to catch fish.
Sorry I couldn't resist reminding you that I do catch huge fish when I'm not kicking butt in martial arts!

So without further adieu I will give you the link to this great site that you must check out!
Just Click on the pic!
Enjoy and don't forget who ya got the great tip from!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Timing is everything.

Yes my friends and faithful followers, timing IS everything.  It can be the perfect or the worst time to do or say something. You always know exactly how you hit it! Today I hit the timing button wrong with my husband and my instructor hit the button perfect for me. My hubby and I just were not on the same page, both of us lost in that timing schedule. Where we went wrong was simple, he had the kids all day and needed some cave time.  Here I come asking questions he didn't feel like answering. He got snippy and I (being the newest nicotine free person in the family), took that wrong. Good news is that we can forgive and move on.  So after the wrong timing with him I went to Kyuki Do class and my instructor pushed us fast in class, got me moving  and working out my frustration.  It was key that he did that.  I was in no mood to listen to anyone.  Especially men.  You see I'm a bit of a chauvinist myself, once my hubby upsets me, I cant stand to be around the male species. ( Except my sons, they don't count.  They are boys.) So all I had to do was follow class and start to mellow out.  At the end of class my instructor starts in on our new weekly tenant, by this time I'm in a good mood and willing to listen.

Indomitable Spirit. (I love just the sound of that!)
This is how Yorkshire Academy of Korean Martial Arts explains it.  It is beautifully written.
In martial arts indomitable spirit is generally considered to be a refusal to be beaten, no matter how tough, talented or big your opponent may be.  However it is not only about being beaten by people.
In pursuit of our ambitions in life be we will inevitably meet obstacles and problems. Some may be minor and others seem insurmountable. ( For me, fighting to stay quit!)
It is easy and pleasant to work on an ambition when all appears to be going your way, you will feel confident and optimistic about the outcome.
However the times when we meet obstacles are when the strength of our indomitable spirit will dictate how far we get.. had this to say:
It would be used to describe someone who has a very strong character and will not give up. They cannot be subdued or overcome and will keep on trying. It might be applied to someone like an explorer or mountain climber who keeps going in difficult circumstances, where others would give up.
I don't see myself as someone who gives up easily.  I quit smoking an estimated 15 to 20 times before now. It has not been easy. Yet here I am trying again.  Yes I am a Quitter and I'm proud to say so!  As for me it is my Indomitable Spirit that will keep me going, with the help of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Not to mention my Fantastic Family, my Forgiving Friends and my Faithful Followers! :)

So you see, I wouldn't have been able to learn any of that if timing wasn't important.  My husband tested my will, my instructor worked the crap out of my will and then he fed my spirit.  It was important to make sure that my spirit was hungry to be fed. That hunger and timing was all supplied by God through these two amazing men.  Once again Praise Be to God!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Going with Kyuki Do Tenant for the week which is self control.  My favorite from class is that self control is "not doing what you really want to do".  This little discussion which came from a young man about 13 years old.  I am impressed to say the least.  I obviously want a smoke but must restrain myself, to use self control not to.  At his young age he understands some of the depth of the word.  This following quote is from an unknown author, at least unknown to me.  If you know the origin of this one please let me know I would like to read more quotes from the author.
"It takes a little courage, and a little self control; And some grim determination, If you want to reach the goal.  It takes a deal of striving, and a firm and stern set chin.  No matter what the battle, If you really want to win.  Theres no easy pass to glory, Theres no road to fame.   Life, however we may view it, Is no simple parlor game; But its prizes call for fighting, For endurance and for grit.  For a rugged disposition and don't know when to quit."
I know this quote is a little long but it makes you think, and it makes you want to fight for your own battle.  For me that is quitting smoking and dealing with my anger and restlessness that comes with that.  I'm going to challenge you my faithful followers, what are you battling with?  What self control do you inhibit in your life styles?  Take a good long look at this quote, and evaluate your battle.  What answers do you come up with?  What questions?  Maybe you just have feelings that need to be released.  Maybe it empowers you.  Most of all I hope this quote makes you think.  Know that you are loved.  Know that there is strength in you.  Know that most battles are with yourself, once you are done fighting yourself, I want you to rise up and Scream to the Lord  "I am here Lord!  Hear Me and Let Me Be Healed!" 

"Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be."   ~George Sheehan

"Be yourself; everyone else is taken."  ~Oscar Wilde

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Change is Good!

I know not every one likes change. I don't always like change myself, but sometimes I do.  Like my blog, it has to change,or I would get bored with it and then what would my Loyal followers read?  To my faithful followers I would like to inspire you to get a pic of yourself.  You all have beautiful faces or handsome as the case might be. (yes Tyler u are cute!)  No its not for the 192 people who looked at my post this week. Its for me, so I can see who I am writing to.  A little reminder if you will.  It does not have to be your face, it could be something I associate with you.(Angie honestly for you it would have to be a penguin!) :)  OK enough changing you, back to the all important Me, Me and yes more Me!  (Just kidding) (No I'm not!)
I told you I'd get back to you on the supervisor thing. No she does not hold a grudge, in fact she was most helpful today.  Yesterday I interviewed for a different position for my company and today I found out that I got it!  When I told my supervisor she was great, she congratulated me and gave me a high five.  I think we are good.  Well either that or she's counting the days til I'm gone. (lol) 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thank God for Kyuki Do!

So it is Monday, awesome....Not!  I do as I'm told, I get into trouble.  Actually,I opened my mouth and that got me into trouble!  It happens a lot to me.  People just don't enjoy my truth.  Not the way I see things anyways.  I was so happy with my job and my supervisor too.  I'm hoping shes not the type to hold a grudge. (I'll let ya know) So the story plays out like this:  I have this pain in my shoulder, not new news to you all, but apparently took my supervisor by surprise today.  At lunch I put ice on it as instructed by the chiropractor.  This sent her into super sensitive mode. She became instantly worried that I was gonna get hurt worse, and get a work related injury.  I told her that I was fine, just following the Dr's orders.  I laughed and told her I was just getting old.  Apparently she does not have a sense of humor. I got to finish my lunch and then I got to go directly up to Employee Health, where I wasted their time, my time and my Dr's time so I could get a note that said I was fine.  I believe I said that from the get go.  But hey who am I to know my body's capabilities?  Oh yeah, I would be the owner of this fine piece of equipment.  I am 32 years old, its okay if I need a tune up.  I upset her because I asked "when did this place go political?"  It blew her top! For that I am sorry, but policy's are a political thing.  They become policy's because of some person or action that somehow decided that a policy must be manifested into the company.  It is as I said a political thing.  I hate being honest.  I need to just shut my mouth!  So there you have it. Shes upset, I'm upset.  BUT.... I got to go to Kyuki Do and learn about self control and boy do I need to learn that!  I got to spar. I got to quite literally kick someones ass!  Actually I didn't mean to.  We were sparing, he was 2 belts above me.  All I could do was try to block.  I finally got a chance and went for a snap kick to his side.  He turned for a block and I kicked his ass!  All we could do after that was try to keep our cool and not laugh.  That one moment turned my day around.  Thank you God for the opportunity to enjoy the rest of my day.  My glass is half full!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All things considered

Quick recap. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks quit smoking. Yea for me, kudos to my family, friends, and co-workers for putting up with me. (thank you).  Dog is fenced in again. It only cost a $100 to put in a new invisible fence line.  (My puppy is pouting and so are Grandma and Grandpa!)  2nd opinion on my shoulder says that I am suffering from Bursitis.

Illustration showing bursitis of the shoulder
Bursitis is a painful inflammation of a bursa, such as in your shoulder joint, typically caused by overuse, injury or aging.

Soooo..... we are back to the "ageing" word again, also known as "degeneration".... I think I'll just cry!  It must be that I'm only happy doing hard work.  If I don't work my ass off at work I'm just not happy.  If its not heavy lifting and running around like a chicken with my head cut off, why even call it work?  (well honey, I'm off to Leisure!  See you tonight! Kiss Kiss)  See my point?  It has to be work. Work is work. Plain and simple.  Now why am I a hurting unit?  All I do is work, no big deal right?
Oh well what does the doc want, I'm not quitting working hard.  I cant help my age, I guess the only thing left is to do the Posture lessons!  Oh yea, I'm supposed to tie my arms down at night, so I don't sleep on them.  Where do these people go to school?  Tie my arms down?  (OK, Mr Burglar, give me a minute to untie myself, oh and by the way could you hand me my bat so I can beat you?)
I'm just saying.

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Good Day

Today was relatively pain free, I am happy to report!  I only had a dull ache in my right shoulder by the time I got to my chiropractor.  She has decided to tell me that I am suffering from Degeneration...does that mean I'm getting old?  I think so, I think that its the nice way of saying in a few years you will be headed to the nursing home.  Here's your walker, on Sunday's your family will visit and watch the Packer game with you. Enjoy!  No I am kidding(about the nursing home part anyway)!  The prescription includes back and neck crackings (my terms), electro stimulus (their terms. I call it electrocution), and posture lessons.  Posture lessons?  Apparently my mom didn't teach me to pull my shoulder's back and stick out my tits like a good girl!  (Sorry Mom Just Kidding! :)....(Love you)....  :)
Anyways  I brought my oldest daughter to these crackin's and electrocutions, no posture lessons today. Phew! She laughed her fool head almost the entire time.  Apparently my pain was her happiness!  Honestly, I couldn't be prouder and I'm not kidding.  Because I laugh when other people hurt to, not the serious hurts, just the ouch, dammit that hurts kinda hurts. (Did u follow that?) I guess she takes after me after all. :)  When we got done torturing me for my benefit, we went out to eat at Perkins.  I never seen her so giddy, we ordered, ate our food, then dessert came.  For her French Silk pie, for me Reese's Peanut Butter Silk pie.  She oohed and ahhed like a .....  Well lets just say she enjoyed it!  This was a good night because we spent time alone, no Dad, no brothers and sister.  She got to enjoy me for me and I got to see my girl as her friends see her.  It was wonderful, she's gonna be a fine young woman someday. :)  I guess she already is.
We left there and went to see a woman pretest for black belt in Kyuki Do.  It was an eye opener, to say the least!  Its one thing to have someone tell you what your signing up for and quite another to see it in real life.  Wow and double Wow!  Honestly I am concerned that my body wont be able to go that far.  Which is too bad because my heart wants too.  Its scary stuff, I watched these girls and guy throwing each other around like their opponents were rag dolls! My daughter being the go getter personality was excited and is looking forward to throwing me around.  All I said was "Good luck Honey!"  (I've got a few pounds on twiggy, Im not worried!)  The testers did well and my daughter and I finally know what we are up against.  At least we have each other.  It was truely a good day and I can only Thank God for blessing me with this perfect day.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for this blessed day and may my readers also get to enjoy a day like this soon.  In your mercy I pray, Amen.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who's the naughty puppy?

My puppy is the naughty puppy!  Lil bitch (yes the word is correct, she is female), ran away last night.  I was certain that she was dead!  All night I dreamt that she was shot, ran over by a car, truck, mini van, semi, etc. etc. etc... OK maybe I over reacted but just a little! (A little much that is.)  When I opened the door this morning she was shivering either from the cold or frighted that I would be angry at her, I'm not sure.  OK it was the cold, my dog is climate controlled.  Spoiled just a little itty bit. Just like everyone else in my family I love to hate them and hate to love them.  (I hope I'm not the only one in the world that feels that way about my loved ones!) 
Well anyways we had her all trained with the invisible fence, she was really good.  Then we left the collar off for the summer.  Big mistake, now she knows when the collar is off she can go.  So we put the collar on, and left the fence off.  Yep, she knows when that trick is pulled now too.  So when we decided to put her back in the collar and the fence on, we find that somewhere in the fence that surrounds 3 acres for our spoiled bitch,  is broken.  The docking station tells us so.  So our spoiled bitch (sorry if your offended by the word, but it is appropriate on so many different levels) knows this and runs. It does us no good to put the collar on.  My husband told me to tie her up because she was running down to Grandmas and Grandpas every day.  Grandma being the caring sort would put her in the car, bring her home, and put her in the porch for me to find when I got home from work.  Id open the door to find a happy but naughty puppy.  I thought she would be good and stay home while the kids and I went to Kyuki Do.  I was wrong of course. She was gone, I called for her, looked for her, called Grandma and Grandpa to see if she was visiting them.  Nope, they went out to see if she was on the deck though!  When it was time for bed, I usually pet her and tell her to watch the house while I lock the door.  I locked the door and she wasn't in my house. It broke my heart. So like I said I had nightmares all night because somebody was a naughty puppy!

 My lil' Bitch all tied up!

Day One

This is her on the first day we got her!  I took this pic to convince my hubby that we needed her! Of course he couldn't resist a blue eyed brunette!  So long story short.  My puppy is tied up, she is safe for now.  I need to put in some new wire this weekend.  I couldn't bare losing her.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Falling Apart

"I thought," said Piglet earnestly, "that if Eeyore stood at the bottom of the tree, and if Pooh stood on Eeyore's back, and if I stood on Pooh's shoulders -"

"And if Eeyore's back snapped suddenly, then we could all laugh. Ha Ha! Amusing in a quiet way," said Eeyore, "but not really helpful."

"Well," said Piglet meekly, "I thought -"

"Would it break your back, Eeyore?" asked Pooh, very much surprised.

"That's what would be so interesting, Pooh. Not being quite sure till afterwards."
Yes I have this negative attitude going on at this juncture in my life, and now I am physically falling apart.  So Eeyore is someone I can relate to.  At least hes cute and people still love him!  I have been having pain all down the right side of my body for the past couple of weeks and it has been increasing in severity.  Last night being the worst its been.  It scared me.  My arm went numb and I had a shooting pain by my ear and down my neck.  I did what any respectable person would do... I called my mommy!  Like a good mother she ran down here to bring me to the hospital.  But by the time she got here, my pain decreased leaving me confused, crying and laughing like an  idiot.  So she left giving my children orders to "take care of mom".  Today I went to see a chiropractor who thinks I have a pinched nerve but we are waiting on x-rays to prove it.  She hooked me up to some electrical device that is supposed to stimulate the muscles in my back and neck.  It was supposed to be soothing.  Notice the word "supposed".  Yea not so much.  I will use the words painful and unexpected.  Well tonight I am "supposed" to ice it after Kyuki Do.  We will see. "Hopefully" this will be over soon.  Well at least I can laugh about it now! Later tonight...not so sure.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I was looking for insight on what to post when I came across an interesting individual. His name is George Sheehan. Maybe your familiar with him and maybe your like me; discovering him for the first time. This man lived his life to the fullest.  He didn't start out perfect but he did end up that way.  He was a doctor, an author and a runner.  Here are some of my favorite quotes of his because they fit so well into my life right now.
"Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you you were meant to be."
"If you want to will anything-a race, yourself, your life- you have to go a little berserk."
"Exercise is done against ones wishes and maintained only because the alternative is worse."
"We may think there is will power involved, but more likely... change is due to want (of) power.  Wanting the new addiction more than the old one.  Wanting the new me in preference to the person I am now."
Amazing brainfood... more right brain left brain.  If you want to read more on George click here.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Support Group

Last night I dreamt that I snuck a smoke and my hubby caught me. When I woke up I felt a lot better! Weird I know. These last few days have been a real struggle for me.  My husband has been very understanding and patient with me.  He is a good man, I couldn't do this without his support.   My coworkers have also helped me get through this rough patch.  They have talked with me, checked in on me periodically through out the day.  What a great group of people!
I knew this was going to be a hard thing to do, it is hard emotionally.  I have such conflicting feelings on this whole battle.  I follow this advice. 1 day at a time, and sometimes 1 minute at a time.  The last few days have been 1 minute at a time.  I conquered it I'm happy to report.  Tomorrow will be 4 weeks quit!  I haven't touched even 1 smoke.  Thanks to all of you for supporting me near and far! I love you. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Things that drive me nuts!

OK. Yes, I am touchy. I am usually a touchy person anyway. Be careful with me I often take things wrong and then run with the story.  Being 3 weeks quit. I am touchier, sometimes I can look back and laugh, sometimes not.  Any way I got yelled at by an R.N. today because I took trash out of a surgery room when the case was called.  What the hell?  I am a housekeeper, what was I supposed to do with it? Yes that's right, I was supposed to leave it where it was.  It took her a half an hour to figure out that she was a nut job and come back and apologized.  I could only glare and say all was forgiven.  (My guess was that she didn't believe me.)  I'm over it now of course, but I need to calm down. What a stupid thing to get upset about. (Maybe she just quit smoking too?) I know better. Why can't I just simmer a little? When is my life going to be normal again?  As I type this I wonder if I'm going to get miraculous answers.... Ah no.
Instead I'll give you a poem from McGuffey's Primer.
Work while you work,
Play while you play;
One thing each time,
That is the way.
All that you do,
Do with your might;
Things done by halves
Are not done right.