Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Make It Count

I have been in search of ways to make myself a happier person, recently I have read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.  It was fascinating!  Basically it tells you, that you bring everything to you by your thoughts.  I decided to make this count.  As I walk around, I Bless everyone my eyes fall upon.  If they look particularly sad, or upset I ask God  "May your face shine upon them!"  I do this all day.  It makes my soul incredibly happy, it has become a habit.  In return I see happier people, more smiles, more people wishing me a great day.  I attract happy people to me.  Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by happy, smiley people?  It has affected my family life as well.  There is more laughter in my house this week, I believe it is because this is a blessed family, I know, I bless them everyday.  I love them. I make everyday count.  To you my faithful readers, Make It Count, wake up happy, Bless yourself and the ones you love.  Do not get out of bed until you promise to make yourself smile.  Make someone else smile, just one person, I promise this will bring you untold joy.  God Bless You, and may the Lord's face shine upon you in all that you do!

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