Monday, November 29, 2010

Whoa I made it!

Over this past weekend my honey and I had a lot of time to talk.  I found out that I quit smoking 12 weeks or 3 months ago today!  How awesome is that?  I've heard that this is a mile stone.  The next one is at 6 months, then a year.  I'm on my way to success, no stopping me now peps!  I feel good, I'm jacked, and hoping my anger issues will fade.  I see my doc on the 7th to see if we can do something about this shoulder issue, and maybe some happy pills to take care of some of my anger issues.  Still kinda roller coaster around here, I'm up then down...down...up briefly and back down, down.  Lol I'll chose to laugh now and I'll pay for it later.  Sad but true.  I signed my family up for the Kyuki Do leadership program, now we can go to more classes a week, purely selfish reasons of course.  All in all the no smoking pros still out weigh the cons.  My family says they still love me and want me to keep going, so I guess its "Full Steam Ahead!"


Anonymous said...

Congrats Woman! You're doing great and I'm very proud of you ☺

Cindy said...

Thank you! Your encouragenment is more helpful than you know. :)