Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Quit or Not To Quit?

My Shakespearen Question for me is answered, it is making me doubt my sanity though. I have quit smoking and am on Day 3.(Kudos to me!)  It all started with my family.  My hubby constant naggin' was an obvious one. lol. But the real kicker for me was my oldest daughter. She got a free trial for one month of Martial Arts class. I watched and fell in love! I thought that it was too expensive at first, then I calculated it from the 6 month price down to what it would cost me for 1 week.  $50 per week. That isnt so bad, but I had to have a way to sell it to my Hubby.  That took me awhile to figure out.... Yeppers people, thats right, I gave up my Cancer Buddies for Martial Arts. I switched one habit for another addiction. (Crazy; maybe)
What I didn't plan on was that my classes would only take up 45min. for only 2 days a week of my time. Yea theres a BIG gap in there.  Smokin sure sounds pretty good, but then I see my 4 kids and their uniforms hanging in their rooms ready for when class finally gets here. So that leads me to another new habit. Blogging.  Not sure if I can commit to being a regular blogger, but I do need to find something that will take up my time and keep me from going crazy(ier).
Wise man said that nothing worth fighting for would be easy. Its things that are hard won that were worth the effort. That would be my motto for quitting smoking. Im choosing to do it "Cold Turkey" because I used all that nicotine replacement shit and it didn't keep me from starting up again. I've wasted alot of money on quit smoking schemes and Im done.  My plan is to chew gum, mints and Kyuki-Do til the pain goes away.(No it isnt pronounced "cookie dough" thats a story for next blog)

1 comment:

Rena Bean said...

I am so proud of you!! Keep up the good fight, I know you can win. You are a real WO MAN!! Love you.