Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yes, More Random Incoherent Thoughts

Quitting is tough, I wont lie to you. I'm angry a lot, I chew a lot of gum and mints.  That in turn gives me heartburn so I chew on Tums.  I always have something on hand to chew on.  If I don't, I'll chew on the nearest persons ass!  Work upsets me so I often give out sarcastic remarks that leave people shaking their heads at me. Whatever.  I should care and I do try to care.  I often find myself handing out my mints and gum to other people.  I find their smiles infectious.  I love other peoples happiness!  Today I seen a picture of a man carrying his girlfriend over a flooded bank.  My first thought was "that was sweet", the second was "Guys are still gentlemanly?"  Holy crap!  Tell my husband!  (Just kiddin honey) (sort of...)
See what I mean.  Just a mean old bag these days.  I feel like the poltergeist movie where the persons head spins in circles.  Fine one minute, the next it's WOW where the hell did that come from?  My poor family, it must be hell to constantly not know how I'm gonna react to you. For that I sincerely apologize. I promise that I am really trying to get myself under control and find a routine that suits me. Know that I love you all. To my  coworkers, I also apologize for being a pain in your ass.  But you must admit that I am an extremely productive, efficient and fast paced co worker now!  Breaks who needs them?!  (Just kiddin) (Sort of)
Food is my all time obsession right now.  I read recipes, whereas, I never had the time before, and I didn't care. I do now. I'm always on the look out for fast, easy, healthy, and tasty meals (and cookies).  The newest cookie is oatmeal cherry raisin and walnut.  Haven't made them yet but I bought the stuff for it.
My other big complaint is that I gained 4 lbs and I told myself I wouldn't gain more than 10 total.  I'm only three weeks into this gig and it's time to get more active or something.  So I talked the co workers into our own Biggest Loser Contest.  Its 3 months long.  All loss is in percentage to make it fair for everyone.  We pay to play and then its a dollar for no loss or a gain.  If you lose weight you don't have to pay for that week.  I think this should give me some incentive to get off my hind end!  I do love money and I could always spend it somewhere I'm sure.  Of course that's if I win.  I'll keep you all posted. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep fightin' the good fight there woman. You can do it!